
Udemy - AWS CloudFormation Master Class v2 [2022]

Getting Started

Both JSON and YAML can be used with CloudFormation.

Prefer YAML as JSON is difficult to read/write for CFN templates.

YAML Supports

  • Key-value pairs
  • Nested Objects
  • Arrays
  • Multi Line Strings
  • Comments

Use for converting JSON to YAML



   "course":"AWS Lambda",
   "instructor":"Stephane Maarek",
      "Deploying your first function",
      "Learning AWS Lambda in depth",
      "Real world examples"
         "lecture-name":"aws lambda",

YAML Equivalent

course: AWS Lambda
instructor: Stephane Maarek
  first-name: Stephane
  last-name: Maarek
  awesomeness-level: 9000
- Introduction
- Deploying your first function
- Learning AWS Lambda in depth
- Real world examples
- lecture-id: 1
  lecture-name: intro
  lecture-length: '5:03'
- lecture-id: 2
  lecture-name: aws lambda
  lecture-length: '10:47'

Create/Update/Delete S3 Bucket using CloudFormation

YAML file for creating a S3 bucket with default properties:

    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
    Properties: {}

Equivalent JSON

    "Resources": {
        "MyS3Bucket": {
            "Type": "AWS::S3::Bucket",
            "Properties": {}

YAML file for creating a S3 bucket with AccessControl specified:

    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
      AccessControl: PublicRead

Equivalent JSON

  "Resources": {
    "MyS3Bucket": {
      "Type": "AWS::S3::Bucket",
      "Properties": {
        "AccessControl": "PublicRead"

Cloudformation Update Behavior

Cloudformation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack’s current template.

Which method CFN uses depends on which property you update for a resource

  • Update with No Interruption
    • Without disrupting resources’ operation and without changing physical ID.
    • Eg: updating the IAM instance profile (IamInstanceProfile) of an EC2 instance
  • Update with some interruption
    • Eg. updating an EC2 instance (InstanceType) from t2.micro to t2.large
  • Replacement
    • Recreating the resource with new physical ID
    • Creates the new resource, change references from other resources to the new resource, then deletes the old resource
    • Eg. updating an RDS DB Instance availability zone (AvailabilityZone)

Examples of update behavior with S3:

  • Updates with no interruption (adding AccessControl)
  • Replacement Updates (updating the name of the bucket)

The CloudFormation documentation also shows which property does what type of update

CloudFormation S3 Bucket Delete Behavior

You can’t delete a non-empty S3 bucket

To delete a non-empty S3 bucket, you must first delete all the objects inside it

CloudFormation Template Options

9 Parameters common to any CFN template

  • Tags
  • Permissions
  • Notification Options
  • Timeout
  • Rollback on Failure
  • Rollback Configuration (Monitoring time and CloudWatch Alarm)
  • Stack Policy
  • Termination Protection
  • Quick-start link

We’ll discuss these in depth later in the course.

CloudFormation Building Blocks

Template Components

  1. AWSTemplateFormatVersion - identifies the capabilities of the template
  2. Description - comments about the template
  3. Transform - specifies one or more macros used to process the template
  4. Metadata
  5. Resources - your AWS resources declared in the template (MANDATORY)
  6. Parameters - the dynamic inputs for your template
  7. Mappings - the static variables for your template
  8. Outputs - References to what have been created
  9. Conditionals - List of conditions to perform resource creation
  10. Rules - validate a parameter during stack creation/update

Template Helpers

  1. References
  2. Functions

Deploying CloudFormation Templates

Automated way of deploying - use AWS CLI or a Continuous Delivery (CD) tool

CloudFormation Parameters


The What:

  • Parameters are a way to provide inputs to your AWS CloudFormation template.

The Why:

  • You want to reuse your templates across the company
  • Some inputs can not be determined ahead of time

The When:

  • If the CloudFormation resource configuration is likely to change in the future, make it a parameter. That way, you won’t have to re-upload a template to change its content.


  • Extremely powerful
  • Controlled
  • Thanks to types, can prevent errors from happening in templates
  • Can be cross-validated using Rules