Can CEOs Teach Business Better Than Professors?

Source: Can CEOs Teach Business Better Than Professors? Ft. Pratham M, Masters’ Union - YouTube

Medical Education gives students the best ROI in their career. This is because the professors who teach in college are actual doctors who are currently practicing. Similarly, it is very important for CEOs to teach business students.

  • Modern MBA has to focus on technology.
  • Work on projects where you get to use Microsoft Excel.
  • MBA grads should have great writing skills, especially business writing.
  • Get comfortable working remotely.

Requirements for Industry 4.0

  • Humility - people should listen to each other, appreciate others and look at things from others’ viewpoint
  • Teamwork - comes with humility
  • Understand and appreciate technology. We need Digital Marketers, Fintech graduates, etc. because all these industries have become digital.

The modern MBA should include

  1. Management and Strategy
  2. Digital Marketing and Branding
  3. Fintech and finance
  4. Computing and Business Analytics

These will help graduates start and lead their own businesses for the next 100 years.