Udemy - Writing production-ready ETL pipelines in Python / Pandas


  1. Introduction
  2. Quick and Dirty Solution
  3. Functional Approach
  4. Object Oriented Approach
  5. Setup and Class Frame Implementation
  6. Code Implementation
  7. Finalizing the ETL Job
  8. Summary

1. Introduction

Course Goal

You will learn:

  • Each step of the ETL pipeline in Python from scratch to Production
  • How to use the necessary tools and packages (6)
    • Python 3.9
    • Jupyter Notebook
    • Git/GitHub
    • VSCode
    • Docker/Docker Hub
    • Python pacakges (9): pandas, boto3, pyyaml, awscli, jupyter, pylint, moto, coverage, memory-profiler
  • How to apply functional and object-oriented programming
  • How to do a proper code design
  • How to use a meta file for job control
  • Best practices in developing Python code (13):
    • Design Principles
    • Clean Coding
    • Virtual Environments
    • Project/Folder Setup
    • Configuration
    • Logging
    • Exception Handling
    • Linting
    • Dependency Management
    • Performance Tuning with Profiling
    • Unit testing
    • Integration Testing
    • Dockerization

Task Description

Source Data Target Data
Xetra Data Transformed Data

We want a weekly ETL job that grabs data from the Xetra S3 bucket since the last run of the job and saves the report to a target S3 bucket.


  • Target format parquet
  • First data of the report should be given as input
  • Auto-detection of the source files to be processed
  • Configurable production-ready Python job

Production Environment

Production Environment

Task Steps

  1. Set up a virtual environment
  2. Set up AWS
  3. Understanding the source data using Jupyter Notebook
  4. Quick and dirty solution using Jupyter Notebook
  5. Functional vs OOP
  6. Importance of testing
  7. Functional approach with the quick and dirty solution
  8. OOP Design Principles and further requirements - configuration, logging, metadata
  9. OOP Code Design
  10. Set up development environment (Github, Python project, VSCode)
  11. Implement Class Frame
  12. Implement Logging
  13. Coding (Clean Code, functionality, linting, unit tests, integration tests)
  14. Setup dependency management with pipenv
  15. Performance tuning with profiling and timing
  16. Create Dockerfile + push docker image to Docker Hub
  17. Run application in production using Minikube and argo workflows

2. Quick and Dirty Solution

Why use a virtual environment?

Makes it easy to switch between projects without uninstalling and reinstalling packages.

There’s no limit to the number of environments we can create.

Standard library for virtual environments

  • pyenv (upto python 3.5)
  • venv (python 3.6+) Third party libraries
  • virtualenv
  • pyenv
  • pyenv-virtualenv
  • virtualenvwrapper
  • pyenv-virtualenvwrapper
  • pipenv

Use pipenv while developing Python applications and not libraries or packages.

We’ll use pipenv because

  • it’s recommended by for application dependency management.
  • Combines pip and virtualenv in one tool.
  • Replaces requirements.txt and solves issues that occur while using requirements.txt and multiple environments.

Virtual Environment Setup

Install pipenv in our system-wide python installation using

  • pip install pipenv

Create a folder for this project and cd into it

Create a virtual environment using the command

pipenv shell

This should create and activate a virtual environment.

To install packages inside this environment, install them using pipenv install <PACKAGE_NAME>

To see what packages have been installed in this environment, run pip list

pipenv uses Pipfile instead of requirements.txt. If requirements.txt is found, pipenv will convert it to a Pipfile.

To see the location where the virtual environment was created, run the command pipenv --venv

To deactivate the environment, simply exit the shell using the exit command.

Read a CSV file from AWS S3

from io import StringIO

import boto3
import pandas as pd

# get all objects from bucket for date 2022-01-28
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
bucket = s3.Bucket('xetra-1234')
bucket_objects = bucket.objects.filter(Prefix="2022-01-28/")

# convert to list
objects = list(bucket_objects)

# read one of the csv objects and convert to it to a dataframe
csv_obj = bucket.Object(key="2022-01-28/2022-01-28_BINS_XETR15.csv").get().get("Body").read().decode('UTF-8')
data = StringIO(csv_obj)
df = pd.read_csv(data, sep=",")

Access all data from S3 for a particular day

from io import StringIO
from rich.progress import track

import boto3
import pandas as pd

# Get all objects from bucket for date 2022-01-28
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
bucket = s3.Bucket('xetra-1234')
bucket_objects = bucket.objects.filter(Prefix='2022-01-28/')

objects = list(bucket_objects)

# Create a dataframe with all data for a single day
df_all = pd.DataFrame()
for obj in track(objects, description="Appending to dataframe ..."):
    csv_obj = bucket.Object(key=obj.key).get().get("Body").read().decode("UTF-8")
    data = StringIO(csv_obj)
    df = pd.read_csv(data, sep=",")
    df_all = df_all.append(df, ignore_index=True)

# Keep only columns we're interested in
columns_of_interest = ['ISIN', 'Date', 'StartPrice', 'EndPrice', 'MinPrice', 'MaxPrice', 'TradedVolume']
df_all = df_all.loc[:, columns_of_interest]

# Drop any rows with missing values
df_all = df_all.dropna()