Introduction to Event-Driven Architecture - ACloudGuru


  1. Introduction
  2. Legacy Event Processing
  3. Event-Driven Architecture
  4. Message vs Event
  5. A Word on Idempotency
  6. Summary

1. Introduction

  • Event-driven architecture is a software architecture paradigm designed to promote the production, detection, consumption and reaction to events.
  • An event-driven application is a program that responds to event input.
  • Why is event-driven architecture important?
    • Provides valuable Business Advantages
    • Solves modern application problems
    • Easier to implement than legacy applications
  • Can be applied in any cloud platform

2. Legacy Event Processing

What’s covered: Events, Discuss how events are handled in legacy applications

What’s an event?

  • “A thing that happens - especially one of importance.”
  • Could be anything that happens.

Legacy strategy for working with events

Traditional multi-tier applications are built around a Database. Historically, programmers have approached events by inserting all events into a DB and executing queries against those events.

New events were acted on by a scheduled DB job at a somewhat regular interval.

4 problems facing the modern application

Problem Explanation
Availability Traditionally, one monolithic application. In modern applications, we have microservices, each of which has to be available 99.999% of the time. i.e. < 5 mins of downtime per year (40 seconds of downtime per month). Includes event processing.
Scalability Event processing needs to scale rapidly to meet the demand of applications without introducing latency.
Source of Truth Need a single source of truth. Was easy before microservices as all the data resided in a single DB, but when applications share a DB, there will be problems like dependencies on schema changes or performance issues. Common solution to this problem: 1 DB per service. But this would mean dealing with distributed transactions and the complexity of maintaining multiple DBs.
Synchronous Legacy event processing is often synchronous. In a typical request/response scenario, the client waits for the server to respond. So, it blocks all other activity until it receives a response or timeout expires. Problem: if the microservice has resource block, timeouts will occur exponentially, which will impact every other service.

Why modern applications need a new approach:

  • World is changing at an alarming pace and as a result
  • companies operate globally
  • companies create applications that integrate the entire organization
  • 24/7 availability expected

Solution all these problems:

  • Event-driven architecture to the rescue!
  • “Organizations must provide real-time application communication, and in order to accomplish this, they must become event-driven.”

How event-driven architecture solves the 4 problems

Problem Solution

3. Event-Driven Architecture

What’s covered: About event-driven architecture, Critical components of an event-driven application, messaging models, different styles of event processing, how an event-driven application works, examples of event-driven applications

4. Message vs Event

What’s covered: Compare and contrast messages and events

5. A Word on Idempotency

What’s covered: Idempotency as it relates to events

6. Summary