
WSL: nbconvert for exporting as PDF

Install Pandoc

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install pandoc

Install xelatex and prepend to PATH

sudo apt install texlive-xetex
which xelatex # find out xelatex's location
export PATH=<xelatex location from above>:$PATH

Convert notebook to PDF

jupyter nbconvert your_notebook.ipynb --to pdf

Build a Jupyter Widget with React and TypeScript

Source: https://blog.jupyter.org/build-a-jupyter-widget-with-react-and-typescript-d83e07340fa3


Reload all modules imported using %aimport

Mercury - Convert Python notebook to web app and share with non-technical users


List running Jupyter notebooks and tokens

jupyter notebook list

How to close running jupyter notebook servers?

Each server should start on a new port. jupyter notebook list is reading a set of data files - each notebook server you run writes a file when it starts up, and attempts to remove it when it shuts down. If you see different listed servers on the same port, that means some of them exited without being able to remove the file they made.

If you launch the notebook from a command prompt, you can shut it down by pressing Ctrl-C in that same command prompt. If not, you can run jupyter notebook stop 8888.

Source: https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/issues/2844