How do I download just one sheet from Google spreadsheet?

When you click on your sheet the url in the sheet is called something like this: 

So where you see: /edit#gid=
You just replace that part with: /export?format=xlsx&gid=
And then magically your spreadsheet downloads.
To download as csv, replace format=xlsx with format=csv.


Decimal numbers in python json dump

# In response to

# Highlights that json encoding of floats is no good
# and that decimals can be used for encoding.

import json
from decimal import Decimal as D

d1 = D(11) / D(10) # 1.1
d2 = D(22) / D(10) # 2.2
f1 = 1.1
f2 = 2.2

# See
# Extending JSONEncoder:
class DecimalEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, D):
            return float(obj)
        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

print json.dumps({'a': f1+f2})
# {"a": 3.3000000000000003} # This is not what we want, should be 3.3 exactly

#print json.dumps({'a': d1+d2})
# Fails for json encoding of decimal

print DecimalEncoder().encode({'a': d1+d2})
# {"a": 3.3}