Lee Kuan Yew - What he said and what others said about him

Charlie Munger on why he admires Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVYYwOcYiv4

Lee Kuan Yew’s mantra - Figure out what works and do it.

Study the life and work of Lee Kuan Yew. You’re going to be flabbergasted.

Lee Kuan Yew has the best record as a nation builder. He took over a malarial swamp with no army, no nothing and pretty soon turned it into this gloriously prosperous place.

He was death on corruption.

In modern Singapore, the health system costs 20% of what the American health system costs and works better than the American health system. This is entirely due to the practical talent of Lee Kuan Yew.

  • In Singapore, you get a savings account the day you’re born.
  • If you don’t spend the money, you and your heirs get to spend it eventually. i.e. It’s your money.
  • So, to some extent, everybody buying medical services in Singapore is paying for it themselves.
  • And of course, eople behave more sensibly when they’re spending their own money.,

Today’s Singapore Youth Don’t Know What It’s Like to be Poor

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnlPfvx7Cgg

Question: What are the most important values and attitudes our youth should have to ensure that our country continues to thrive and prosper?


Every successful man, before he’s successful should have some inner drive in him. Something that makes him make the right judgements in life. Your values and your experience prove your mettle and reduce the chance of failure. Be the cream of the crop.

New migrants push very hard to succeed in a foreign land. It was that spirit that got us here.

  • Had we not had people with that ruggedness and that robust attitude of “We’ll make it. Do or die.”, we wouldn’t have today’s Singapore.

Remember in the back of your mind that Singapore is what it is because of our effort.

  • You seize to make that effort, you seize to be like this.
  • Keep your environment in a way that keeps you self-reliant and be self-reliant. Don’t be a person who needs somebody to pick up your bowls.
  • Have the drive and leadership to anticipate the future.