Work Less, Create More Value - The Art of Delegating


scope = f(resources, time)

Step one is figuring out which activities are actually valued by the end customer. Take into account stakeholders’ concerns and requirements along the way, but if I’m not defining true value in the end customer/patient/consumer’s eyes, I’m looking through the wrong lens.

Say “no” to some of the less important items and non-value-adding steps. Working harder is often counter-productive. Don’t strive to “get it done” at any cost, not realizing the true cost is the diminished effort against other, higher value adding activities.

My options for completing tasks (in descending order of task value):

  1. Do myself
    • Well (for things our end customer values most)
    • Just well enough (for things valuable to our end customer, but not as important as some others)
  2. Delegate and
    • supervise (Manage) (for things important, but doesn’t have enough value in doing them myself or can be done better by someone else)
    • trust (Lead) (for things I want off my plate)
  3. Do later (for things that are not pressing, but are somewhat important and eventually may need to be done)
  4. Do never (for things that are bad ideas and will be of no good even to people I delegate to. My clearest “no.” Not me. Not others. Not anyone. Now now. Not ever. Go away. Harsh, but clear.)

1. Do Myself Well

I’m going to say no and downplay, delegate, cut back, and avoid other things so I can spend more time on these few, most critical activities. This is where my team and I need to strive for perfection. Doing well is an understatement. Here’s where it’s essential to do my absolute best.

2. Do myself, but just well enough

I accept the need to do these things myself. But they are not as important as some others. I should do them well enough to satisfy the stakeholders that need them to fit into what they are doing for the end customer – and no better.

3. Delegate and supervise (Manage)

These are important items that I want to be done well, but there isn’t enough value in doing them myself or maybe there’s someone else who can do the work better than me.

4. Delegate and trust (Lead)

These items are off my plate. I trust the people I delegate to, to do or manage them well. Inspire and enable, never undercutting the authority I’ve delegated.
They need

  • authority
  • resources
  • accountability

5. Do later

Things I decide to do later may get done eventually, but certainly not now. Delaying them may cause stress with the people who need them now. That’s a choice I’ve made in pursuit of the highest value adding activities for the end customer.

6. Do never

Not only do I think these tasks are bad ideas for me and for people I might delegate to, but I also believe they are just bad ideas.

Any time a task arises, ask myself about the end value and then determine the best approach.

That will vary with my level in the organization. The more senior I am in the organization and the more people I have to manage or lead, the fewer things I will actually do myself well.


  • As a “do’er”, I’m trying to figure out which tasks I must do well, less well versus which things I can do later or never.
  • As a manager, my greatest leverage is in the tasks I can delegate and manage. This is how I free up time to spend my own time on the things I must do myself well.
  • As a senior leader, my greatest leverage is in the tasks, projects, programs and priorities I can delegate and trust. I want to spend ever more time inspiring and enabling, leveraging purpose, frameworks and incentives.

For a framework on delegating, refer to: 5 Levels of Remarkably Effective Delegation